Sunday, February 8, 2009

Homeboy Sandman

So I was directed to a video by one of my friends, Lightning Bolt Lightning Rod by Homeboy Sandman. It was one of the most epic videos I've seen in awhile, with graphics that are unmatched. After showing it to the good people at, I decided to find out more about this rapper from my glorious borough. I have to say, Homeboy Sandman has quickly become one of my favorite rappers. He is an intelligent brother with a unique flow and style. Not to mention, a Mets fan like myself. I suggest you check him out at his website, and buy his albums...or for my finiancially challenged, download the free mixtape. 

Here's the video that Hype Williams wish he directed...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Peter Bjorn & John - "Nothing to Worry About"

Peter Bjorn and John "Nothing To Worry About"

I found this sound thru Kanye West, and I thought it was great. I found the video thru Fader and its even better. The process of doing the hair in the begininng is quite epic. There need to be more guys like this in the world, or at least NYC.

P.S. MY FIRST POST...not what I expected to open with, but honorable none the less. keep an eye out, a bio and stuff coming soon.